Thursday 9 November 2017

College TV Production mindmap


College TV Production Idea 1 Pitch.
This particular idea for the College was the initial idea for the TV show before branching off and creating alternate ideas, a possible title for this production is College TV. It has the target audience of young adult/students as that is the main demographic of the college.
Firstly the majority of the show will be filmed live in the studio, this will feature the college news, upcoming events and most importantly the presenter introduction. The college news could possibly feature inserted videos expanding on the story but it is intended to be for headlines early.
For the Top 5 films and music track segments I plan for them to be around two-and-a-half minutes long and pre-recorded in front of a greenscreen.
I plan for the opening titles to have a fast paced theme tune and to use graphics.
For the on location segments we will have one or two reporters, depending on the subject of the news, and they will possibly interview local business owners about NUS cards or anything college related.

College TV Production Idea 2 Pitch.
Like the previous idea the target audience for this production is young adults/students as this is the main demographic of the college.
The presenters of the show should have a smart-casual attire and have semi-casual body language. They will deliver the college news headlines before cutting to a segment that is pre-recorded. The presenters will be filmed live in the studio.
The design for the studio will have the primary colour of dark red with a greenscreen background which will display an image related to the story. A possible story for the first episode could be an introduction student union and instructions on how to apply for an NUS card. This could involve investigative interviews with businesses about student discounts and with student support services on how to apply for an NUS card.
A possible frequent location for segments could be Tonbridge park.

College TV Production Idea 3 Pitch.
The target audience for this production (named West Kent College News) is students as that is the main demographic of the College where the production will be aired.
The presenters (one male and one female) will be wearing smart attire behind a desk that would have mugs with either the college logo or the logo of the show (to be designed.)
This production will feature adverts for various aspects of the college such as the Hair and Beauty salon or Artisan Restaurant that’ll play between segments with logos in the corner during the rest of the production.

Tuesday 7 November 2017

Have I Got News For You Analysis

Have I Got News For You is a BBC satirical quiz show.

The host changes week to week and on the episode I watched it was hosted by Jo Brand.  She is wearing casual clothes and her hair is dyed pink. Whilst those on the left are dressed smart and those on the right are dressed smart-casual.
The background of the set have faked newspaper clippings that are comical which ties into the fact that it is a satirical show and thus is comedic and topical. Every few series they change the backgrounds to keep them more related to current affairs.
The shot type on Jo is a close up and the shot type for the panellists are in mid-range shots but go to close-up when they are speaking.
On the set at the desk where the host sits, there is a counter of points, not that it applies heavily to the show.
With the editing the show cuts away to extracts from newspapers and photos, the background is red and has a newspaper motif, tying into the fact that this is based on the news.

Thursday 2 November 2017

Creating an Interview

To create an interview it is ideal to initially inform the interviewee of the questions and to tell them what you want to get from them from the interview. You must also give you time to set up as it always takes longer than anticipated.
The interviewer should set up the camera beside them of behind them in an over-the-shoulder-shot. The camera must remain within the 180 degree rule this is to avoid confusion for the audience.
It is important to retain eye-contact for the comfort of the interviewee and to stop them from looking directly into the camera and keeping their eyes from darting around.
Some interviews will also feature cutaways of the interviewer nodding and asking the question. This helps to pad out the interview and make it more layered.

The interviewee should be wearing a lapel microphone so that everything they say can be heard.
It is important that the interviewee is in the middle of the screen with a close-up of them, making sure there is a gap between their head and the top of the frame.