Thursday 2 November 2017

Creating an Interview

To create an interview it is ideal to initially inform the interviewee of the questions and to tell them what you want to get from them from the interview. You must also give you time to set up as it always takes longer than anticipated.
The interviewer should set up the camera beside them of behind them in an over-the-shoulder-shot. The camera must remain within the 180 degree rule this is to avoid confusion for the audience.
It is important to retain eye-contact for the comfort of the interviewee and to stop them from looking directly into the camera and keeping their eyes from darting around.
Some interviews will also feature cutaways of the interviewer nodding and asking the question. This helps to pad out the interview and make it more layered.

The interviewee should be wearing a lapel microphone so that everything they say can be heard.
It is important that the interviewee is in the middle of the screen with a close-up of them, making sure there is a gap between their head and the top of the frame.

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