Monday 19 February 2018

Review of Studio Workshop Nov 2017

Recently we did a workshop in the TV studio where we made a mock production of BBC Children in need and used segments from the programme as well as real adverts.
We were met with technical problems with the players which resulted in us having to have another session the following week due to these issues.
I was on the sound desk and was incharge of the volume levels and what sound played with the video.
Initially I had no clue where to start but I quickly picked up on what I was meant to do with the help of one of the technicians.
I managed to stay on top of everything and was able to keep the sound level and play in time with the video.
There were also issues with the autocue as it would either be going too fast or too slow for the presenters to read and they’d be caught off guard sometimes when the cameras would come back on. This lead to one of the presenters swearing out of surprise during the live recording which would not have been allowed to happen in a real live recording.
There were also a lot of people who had nothing to do due to the large group size. Because people didn’t have a job role that required them to be on hand all the time, they’d either be standing or wandering aimlessly or they’d misbehave and mess about which would be distracting to those who wanted to continue with the production.

The final product was alright for a first attempt at a live studio recording, considering we had next to no experience and had no real idea of what to do initially.
The audio was up to standard however the cutting between segments could have been a lot better and the presenters could have been more prepared to come back on after a segment but that’s more down to the floor manager.
The script writing also could have been better as it didn’t always feel natural, the lack of naturalism is also reflected in the presenter’s body language and the way the say what’s on the autocue, it’s obvious that they’re reading rather than saying it from the top of their head.

This is partly due to the lack of efficient rehearsals due to the lack of time but also due to the lack of experience as they were new to presenting.

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