Friday 26 January 2018

The Hunted Scene by Scene Breakdown

The Hunted
An interactive film by Tom Barber, Jess Graham, James Walkden and Oliver

BEN is trapped in an interrogation room, accused of assault, with a choice to give information about his boss, a nefarius gangster terrorising the country.


BEN “Maverick” Parsons is handcuffed, sat at a table in a dimly lit interrogation room. A door opens and a man in smart attire walks in. He sits opposite to Ben and puts a file down on the table.
Introducing himself as D.I. BURTON, he tells Ben that if he plays his cards right, he can go free. BURTON’s only request is the identity of Ben’s boss, DESMOND Crane.

BEN tells D.I. BURTON about a time when DESMOND saved someone from being mugged.
The screen fades to a flashback.
In an alley, someone is in the process of being mugged and attacked by a man.
There is a shout and DESMOND steps out of the shadows, he is tall and intimidating, wearing purposely torn clothes, he punches the attacker in the face who then falls to the ground, he throws the stolen items to the victim and continues to attack the victim whilst BEN watches on.

BEN tells D.I. BURTON about a time when DESMOND had attacked another gang member for believing he had snitched.
The screen fades to a flashback.
In a living room DESMOND is sat on the sofa with BEN and other gang members when one person, JOHNNY walks in. DESMOND gets up and starts aggressively berating him, JOHNNY tries to convince DESMOND that he hasn’t snitched but it’s not good enough for DESMOND who starts attacking him, eventually stabbing him.

D.I. BURTON orders BEN to stop stalling and to tell him DESMOND’s location.
BEN pauses for a moment and sighs, looking to the right and shaking his head, he tells D.I. BURTON that DESMOND has a hideout in a warehouse in the south part of the town.
D.I. BURTON thanks him and lets him go free.

D.I. BURTON orders BEN to stop stalling and to tell him DESMOND’s location.
BEN looks to the floor, worried and tries to tell the detective that if DESMOND knew it was him who gave away his location, he’d be killed, D.I. BURTON assures him that he’ll be granted witness protection. BEN gives in, telling the detective that DESMOND is located in a hideout in the basement of a burned down pub.
D.I. BURTON thanks him and lets him go free.

BEN leaves the police station and walks down an alley, the same one where DESMOND stopped the mugging. Out of the shadows steps DESMOND, he pins BEN against the wall yelling profanities at him. BEN tries to tell DESMOND that he gave the wrong location to the police but DESMOND doesn’t buy it and starts choking him.
BEN struggles and sees DESMOND brandish a knife.
DESMOND pushes the knife into BEN’s chest and stabs him several times, walking away from the body with bloody hands.  
BEN waits a while at the police station before leaving, escorted by the detective, he passes DESMOND who is being lead to the same interrogation room that he was in.

BEN steps out of the station and smiles, knowing his past is now behind him.

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