Thursday 28 September 2017

Week 3 Second Evaluation of the Carousel

Cartridge paper

With primary research we did the dyeing on our own and secondary research was being told how to dye the fabric.

A skill I tried was painting disperse dye on to cartridge paper using a brush, something I'm not used to.  We had to create a logo for a crew shirt.

The process I did was printing on fabric with disperse dyes, the method for it was to first paint an outline of our logo in reverse (this is because when the dye was printed it would print a mirror image of what we has painted). Then we painted the disperse dyes on to the cartridge paper, for me it took around forty to fifty minutes to fully paint this. I then took my dried cartridge paper to the heat press(which is set to 180 degrees Celsius) and placed my cartridge paper with a plain sheet of polyester into the heat press for 60 seconds.
The end result was a fully printed logo.

The tools I used were: Paintbrushes, a heat press, pencils and a paint holder whilst others in my group also used embroidery hoops and sewing machines.
The finished fabric

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