Monday 2 October 2017

Psycho Shower Scene Foley Activity.

In the recent weeks, Stuart has set us a group task to provide sound effects to the iconic "shower scene" from Alfred Hitchcock's Psycho using Foley methods.

Foley is a sound effect technique named after sound effects artist Jack Foley. It is where you take everyday objects and attempt to create sounds that match what is shown on screen.
Two weeks ago we had a Foley workshop set up by Stuart where we had a range of items to use, for instance there were several cabbages and a knife to aim to recreate the stabbing sound as well as rice which my group used to try and recreate the sound of shower water. There were also balloons which we used to try and make sound like Marion Crane, (the woman who was murdered) sliding against the bathtub by rubbing the balloons. However this didn't go so well and did not have the desired result. On the contrary the rice being poured went successfully and sounded close enough to shower water to be deemed a success.

My group in particular did not have to resort to found content, however if we did need to we would have to use it sparingly and give credit as it is plagiarism.

The editing software used to apply the sound effects was Adobe Premier Pro, as I and two others in my group (Megan and Alice) have had previous experience with Premier Pro we found it easy to use. We managed to apply sound effects for walking, a door closing, the shower and humming/singing.
Sadly the software crashed and it is currently unknown if any of the work survived, therefore in the next session we need to check the damage and re-do anything that was lost, most likely on a different computer.

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