Thursday 5 October 2017

Review of 4 Hippies in space and a Bic Pen

Today on the 3rd of October for our creative studies carousel we were set the task of producing a mock advert for a Bic 4 colour pen. We were separated into four groups to brainstorm ideas and then there is a vote to find which idea will be produced.
The idea that was selected to be produced was about four hippy astronauts who were in a space ship flying to the moon, one of the hippies has a treasured 4 colour Bic pen. Upon arrival to the moon they are confronted by an alien who threatens the hippies with death if they don't hand the pen over to them.

Personally I felt the production of the advert was mis-managed, we struggled with teamwork and despite Kian the director having a vision of what he wanted to create he wasn't that great at showing the rest of us what to do.
Another problem with the production was how limited we were with resources and having to do it as a live edit meant that we couldn't use a green screen, thus would struggle with creating the illusion of being in space, however to my surprise it was a success and ended up feeling almost like an old episode of Doctor Who or Star Trek. Another positive was the non-diegetic sound effects, the actors did not know when the effects would play and were essentially blind but in the final edit the sound effects synced almost perfectly and gave a satisfying feeling. I myself set up half of the lighting and I am pleased with my results, the lighting in the video is low-key however colourful, using red, blue, green, orange and pink, the first three of those colours are featured on the Bic pen, whether this was the intention of the director or not I do not know but it feels satisfying and is aesthetically pleasing.
Megan on camera 4

I have a few complaints about the finished video, for instance the transitioning of cameras isn't well timed and could be improved, it feels off and wrong, I can't fully articulate my grievance with the transitioning. Another issue I have with the final edit is how it doesn't fully feel like a proper tv advert. It doesn't have many conventions of a standard advert, the only thing we learn about the product is that it is a pen with four different colours and it can apparently kill aliens. I wish it could elaborate more on why the product is worth buying, possibly how many people use it as a fidget toy or how the 4 colour biro is the most stolen pen.
The Beta set

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