Tuesday 17 October 2017

Week 5 Photography Lighting Workshop Summary.

On Thursday the 12th of October during week 5 of the UAL Media Studies course we were given a lighting worship where we experimented with lighting for film and photography.
We were taken into the studio where there were four different lighting set-ups, three were 3 points each using different types of lights, Arri 300s, dedo lights and redheads and the fourth set-up was a horror set-up using Arri 300s.
The three different lights have different brightness levels. The Dedos are the smallest and least bright, they also feature a slider to adjust the brightness. The middle brightness were the Arri 300s and the brightest ones are the redheads.
The redheads use 2400 watts, the Arri 300s use 900 watts and the dedos only use 450 watts.
All of the lights were nice and easy to use safely, once being briefed on the health and safety aspects.
As the lights get very hot it would be dangerous to handle them without gloves as you'd risk being burned by the sheer heat of all the lights, in fact even with the gloves you could feel the heat of all of the lamps and couldn't handle them for long. Another health and safety risk with the lights, especially the redheads is that the extension leads need to be pulled out fully or else they could catch fire due to the immense amount of electricity going through the wires.

We were separated into four groups and in our groups given different roles such as operating the camera, being the model, operating the lighting and taking photos of the whole process. We all changed roles and tried everything and overall the experience was good and taught us a lot about the importance of lighting and how to set up lighting.

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