Wednesday 11 October 2017

Soundtrack analysis of Han Solo's death from Star Wars The Force Awakens

In the now iconic scene from Star Wars The Force Awakens where Han Solo, fan favourite character is killed by his son, Ben AKA Kylo Ren.

The soundtrack from the scene is complex, using not only music and dialogue but also ambient sound and sound effects.
The score of the scene the music is low pitch and atmospheric, this helps to build tension for the inevitable confrontation between Han and Kylo. What also aids this is the slowly paced rhythm of the score at this point.
When Han shouts the name of his son the score halts for a brief moment. This helps to take the audience out of the moment for a bit to allow the information of Kylo's real name to sink in. This too also aids in building tension. As Han walks to his son the score slowly begins to crescendo, the music itself is orchestral, mainly string instruments. The tempo is still slow, the timbre is sad, preparing the audience for what is to come.
Finally following Kylo killing Han there is a sting of shock accompanied by the cries of Rey and Fiin and the roar of Chewbacca. This sting reflects the feelings of the audience and characters alike, following the sting the score becomes empathetically mournful and continues as we cut to Leia feeling the death of her husband through the force.

In this scene's soundtrack there isn't much ambient sound however there is still some to note.
For instance the low mechanical hum of a generator can be heard, this informs the audience that the scene is set in a room with generator rooms and thus must produce power for the base.
When Han and Ben are atop the walkway you can faintly hear the sound of wind, this adds to the illusion that the two are high up. The sound of wind also adds to the emptiness of the entire room and almost makes it seem like the father and son are alone despite not actually being alone.

The dialogue given in this scene is empathetic. The timbre of Han's voice is loving and caring, something that is typically contrapuntal to Han's character as he is usually portrayed as a man who only cares for himself and his own gain. The fact that Han's tone is caring shows that he loves his son and wishes for him to return home, he even states this himself. It is in contrast to how Kylo views his father, he sees him as a man who wasn't there for him as a child. At first his voice carries tones of anger when he exclaims, "Your son is dead" however as the dialogue continues the tone becomes sadder as he realises what he has to do. This shows us that he doesn't truly want to kill his father, however his master told him that it would indeed make him become more powerful.

The soundtrack of this scene contains many sound effects, the majority of which were likely added in post, some for example the sound of Han's footsteps were likely done using foley techniques rather than being recorded on-set.
Once such sound effect used in this scene is a the sound motif of Kylo Ren's lightsaber, unlike most lightsaber noises, Kylo's is more warped and raw, this is due to the fact that it is broken. The use of this different sound effect for Kylo's lightsaber helps us identify that it is specifically his, it could also be a parallel to Kylo's character and the fact that he is a warped form of his former self whilst Rey's (Or Anakin's, or Luke's) lightsaber's sound is more basic and simple, showing how she has not been corrupted by the dark side.

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